All Right, a Little More Levity

Posted: December 19, 2009 in Music
Without further ado, the Ugliest Guitars of 2008 , as determined in an entirely unscientifc manner by As a poster on the TDPRI forum sagely pointed out, there should really be two classifications, just plain ugly, and ugly and stupid.
That said, I have a special place in my heart for the Cigar Box Jesus, the Three Little Pigs Junior, and the V that buddy’s carved his dog’s head onto. My wife thought the mermaid guitar was pretty good, too, until I pointed out that you can’t tell from the photo where the knobs are. Oh, and on the one with Kenny, Dolly and Willie, is the figure on the top bout Mick Mars from Motley Crue?…and who puts the stars’n’bars on a guitar dedicated to Lincoln, anyway?

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