It’s about bloody time….

Posted: March 28, 2008 in Computers and Internet
You may have noticed that the descriptions had disappeared from my sidebar lists on this site. Not my doing. In their infiniite wisdom, the powers that be at Windows LiveSpaces decided to eliminate them, in an effort to make the sites neater and more uniform, or some such rot.
I have to assume that everyone else who has a Spaces site put as much time into theirs as I did mine, as this raised a huge amount of ire in the Spaces community and the hue and cry was heard all the way up the ivory tower in Redmond.
Thankfully, Windows Live has recanted their original decision, and the lists are back. It has taken almost a month from the that decision until now, but it’s been worth the wait.
In an unrelated matter, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the Deacons’ number one fan, Karen Bennett.  You look fabulous, dahling!

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